Pentecost and the Cross

The politician finished his speech and sat down. Although a nagging doubt troubled him, he knew he had stretched the truth.....possibly too far this time, not to worry, I can resolve it later he thought.

He hurried away as quickly as he could to his next function, a church......where he was to visit, as a politician! Walking up the steps he was met by the minister, who ushered him in to a front seat, where he surveyed the scene. A large cross was central to everything, and as the service continued he was struck by the evident love everyone had for God. It was followed by a commitment to follow Christ, and he copied everyone else in reaching out and touching the cross. When he did so an odd thing happened, his finger caught on its harsh surface and he got a splinter.

The minister noticed what had happened and chatted with his afterwards over a coffee. He asked him if he had a faith, the politician laughed, “Of course I have a faith, wherever I go, I take on the faith of the people.” The minister smiled, and said.”It isn't quite like that here, people make a personal commitment to follow the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is an act of faith to ask him to be your Lord and Saviour and it takes guts to be a Christian, as the way of the cross isn't easy, painful at times, a little like the splinter you got today.” John 3 v 16
The politician smiled and shrugged his shoulders.”Hmm, very interesting but I don't see what you mean, being a Christian is.....well to put it plainly, it is a wimps game!”

The minister sat quietly and then said, “The bible says take up your cross and follow me, and the journey can be quite hard., so It isn't quite like that..... If I might tell you too, that this conversation isn't by chance, God knows all about you, even the half truth you told today.”

The politician blushed, “ I am surprised ..... how did you know about today?” he muttered
The minister said. “The Lord Jesus Christ revealed it to me, and told me to tell you, that it is time you made a choice....

The politician sighed, everyone was always wanting a part of him, join this, or be a part of that......even friendship was an area he shied away from. Yes, he'd got a splinter so what.........and then he remembered his mother, and her last words to him.

'Son, you can't serve God and the world...the bible is God's book..... I tell you now is the time of God's favour, now is the day of salvation.' 2 Corinthians 6.

He looked up, the minister was smiling at him. “ You have heard all this before?”
The politician smile.” Yes, my mother was a believer...I guess a splinter is a good way of getting my attention. I was bought up to follow the Lord Jesus, but I threw it away when I became a politician as it didn't fit in to my life style.

But, I'm surprised that you knew so much about me and my....little... half truth.” He blushed again. “That amazed me, I didn't realise God would reveal the future. I am in awe, and yes I know you are right....... but I've done a lot that I'm not proud of.”

The two talked together for some while, until he eventually bowed his proud head and surrendered his life to the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance. The minister prayed for him, as the man wept.
Talking together later, the minister asked him what he knew about the person of the Holy Spirit? The man smiled, “ My mother was filled with the Holy Spirit and given a prayer language. I thought at the time it was the most wonderful gift.”

The minister said, “ It is a gift for every believer, given to empower the church, and free. The person of the Holy Spirit is gentle, giving each person holiness, strength, discernment and power, and it was shown visibly at Pentecost. Although to receive this wonderful gift of anointing, you must have experienced the cross, and surrendered your life to the Lord Jesus Christ.”

The politician smiled, “ Seems as if my mother's prayers are answered..... yes, do pray for me now to be filled with the Holy Spirit.” The two men prayed together and the man's life was radically changed!
When the day of Pentecost came,they were all together in one place........All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues.....Acts 2 v 4

Written by Author Hazel Pinder