Reflections for Today

Just recently I saw a documentary on the base camp at Everest, and heard about the amount of junk that collected over time at the bottom of the mountain.

It seems that climbers have discarded surplus stuff and in some ways, used the base as a rubbish tip, for various expeditions.

It made me consider a few things...... importantly, why haven't we learned to take more care of our beautiful world? Presumably, we have an understanding of the right things to do but decided that it wasn't important.

As Christians we know that God sees everything, about each one of us personally. Although on many levels I'm sure that this may be a little disconcerting, as many might like to hide away..... pretend that he's not there.... but it is impossible!

He sees everything.... the trash in our world, and the junk we carry in our own lives and yet still loves people.

The Lord Jesus Christ had the same compassion, when he viewed Jerusalem and saw the sinfulness of people and wept. He knew what people were sowing at that time into their lives, and grieved. I wonder what He would say looking down at the nations of the world today in 2020? Would He weep at the way the story has unfolded, and how we have managed our Christian heritage, and probably how we treat each other?

It is obvious, that we are going through many differing phases in the world. With a pandemic bringing fear and death while many are out on the streets, shrieking at injustice.
What does all this mean, could it be that the things we have sown into our lives are bearing fruit? Is it possible, that we have to take much of the blame for the wickedness around us? Once any society believes they know better than God, it is in for a heap of trouble. If we throw away the idea of pursuing righteousness and leave the bible on the shelf, we ultimately say we don't need God.

Laws are good and keep society out of trouble, but what the world needs is the law of truth and righteousness. The law of love and grace, that is written in the blood of a Savior who died for all mankind. John 3 v 16

Therefore, until each one of us allows his lordship into our lives, we will never actually build a society that loves everyone. The world is in a broken state, it is up to the men and women who do love God, to reach out and pray.

Consciously take the bible off the shelf, and learn the obedience of Christ who went to the cross for all. It was a costly gift, given in love, but like all gifts they have to be accepted to be of any value. It is as we turn to Christ and live in humility and love, that the miraculous happens. We cannot change the world by any other way, or cleanse ourselves of the sin we have allowed to grow inside our souls. Except through a Savior who loves us, and gave his life for our sin! Call to him today to change the atmosphere, and bring healing and peace.

Galatians 6 v 7.....God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.....the one who sows to please his sinful nature …..he will reap destruction....

1 Chronicles 28 v 9b.....for the Lord searches the heart.......