Triumphant Ascent - Author Hazel Pinder

What dates in the calendar do you remember easily? I suspect birthdays and anniversaries will be the top of all of our lists. In this month there are two special days arriving, that are important for Christians. The ascension of the Lord Jesus is one of these and the other is Pentecost. Although ascension day is not greatly observed, nevertheless it is an important occasion that the disciples would have never forgotten.

Probably we wonder living in 2020 countless years after this event, does it have relevance today in our world? Furthermore why did the Lord want to ascend in this way, he could have just disappeared?

Miraculous Saviour is how we could describe the Lord Jesus Christ, because he showed us the miraculous throughout his ministry.

Consequently his last undertaking his ascension, was a repeat of the miraculous. Consider what had occurred, the Lord had combatted principalities and powers at the cross and won. His ascent therefore was a huge show and display of power, he was the great and mighty victor. Hebrews 4 v 14

His ascension would have been seen by all the powers dominating the earth. Don't be naïve in your thinking on spiritual matters, we are in a war and the darkness of different dominions is real. Ephesian 6 v 12

I believe his last act was a gift wrapped up for us to understand on many counts.
We are to long for his returning............ and to understand that he will return and every eye will see him. That isn't so difficult to comprehend after thinking about his ascension. So be assured He now sits as our high priest, connected to us loving us from Heaven. Hebrews 4 v 16

Possibly all of this may help us to understand more and more the reality of Heaven, a short journey away where he waits to receive his children. In the uncertainty of today's world, where we consider that we know so much.........until the gravity of a pandemic hits us. It is vital to know that the Lord Jesus is as near as your cell phone, and waiting to hear from you! Don't worry if it has been a long time since you considered him. He is just a prayer away, not just as a support but as Savior and friend!

Ascension is a very special date, but, it also leads us into, and is in conjunction with Pentecost. The two are enjoined, the disciples were not to stand around waiting......... they had a job to go on to Jerusalem. In our world today, we are to do the same, we have a job to go and be ambassadors for the Lord. Revelation 1 v 7 Look He is coming in the clouds, and every eye will see Him........... 

Written by Author Hazel Pinder