Icons by Mary Jane Miller

In Light of Women 

Mary Jane Miller

Visual Highlights in holiness as the Pentecost season is coming, hope and faith are crucial elements that promote walking by the Spirit, make the journey with iconography a visual essay and Miller's insights about faithful women 

Icons painted in these books are originals, designed by Mary Jane Miller.  What follows is an excerpt from the Pentecost Icon.

Pentecost finds its roots in the Jewish tradition. The end of Passover comes after fifty days in the wilderness. During their Exodus from Egypt God bestowed upon the Jews knowledge of how to live their lives in correct relationship. It is the fulfillment of God’s promise to pour out his Holy Spirit on all flesh. At the bottom of a classic Icon of Pentecost, there would be a small arch over a man, crowned and with arms extended, holding a draped cloth containing scrolls representing the Apostolic teaching handed down through the twelve tribes of Israel. He is named Kosmos; he who represents the world. Kosmos is the Greek word for “world.” One thousand years ago traditional iconographers and those viewing their work would not have known the concept of being on a planet. I have replaced Kosmos with our planet Earth. Scientific discoveries, modern concepts and contemporary language all change how humanity sees itself with new perspectives.

Another detail of a classic Icon of Pentecost is Mary the mother of Jesus, placed at the very center of the icon with six disciples on either side. Her gradual disappearance at the center of earlier Pentecost icons was perhaps another example of relegating the power of women or maybe they found no theological need to include her, even though she is mentioned as being present in the Biblical text. Of course most women imagine we were at the Baptism of Christ, in the river Jordan, at the Last Supper and Pentecost, even if we were not represented in the theology, image or text.

We are taught to believe the Holy Spirit was poured out onto all people and all of creation. We are the descendants who participate and experience that divine power given to both male and female. In this icon, I have eliminated two of the disciples and the four “special” disciples, the ones in their priestly stoles typically adorned with giant crosses and holding their gospel books. I have substituted them for six women. If we are to learn how to be one body and one mind in God, being “special” prevents us from being whole and perpetuates a struggle to find out who is best, better or right.

In Light of Women is a 72-page book that incorporates 24 full color contemporary icon images, The images are juxtaposed with text describing each image's history, religious context and my own reflection on our world today. The work is painted in the traditional egg tempera, egg yolk and ancient dirt mixed together to create divine image. The book includes a thorough introduction and three distinct sections that builds on new conclusions through the contemporary iconography and the feminine voice highlighted in the text. Part 1, Mary Icons; explore the history of Mary the Mother of Jesus in iconography, tradition’s most popular image. Part 2, The Gospel of Mary Magdalene; explores icons that were inspired by the Gnostic text with startling creative insights from traditional theology. Part 3, Feminine Voice; explores classic icons interpreted representing women.

Icons depict examples of exceptional people who love, champions of faith who are remembered and whose earthly lives are considered instructive and worthy of imitation. Salome, Bartholome, Andrew, Luke, Mother Teresa, Mary Madgelene, Paul, Tabitha, Mark, Susana, James, and Martha sit together in harmony. The Saint or recognizable person is not the point of the icon. Rather it illustrates our sitting together, in relationship, in peace and receiving the Holy Spirit.

This is a well-written book that shares valuable teachings through an ancient visual tool called iconography. The book is recommended for all Christians, for the new or mature believer, this becomes a visual journey.

 Copies available of In Light of Women: One Woman's journey with Icons by Mary Jane Miller