For the time we spend at home, here is a meditation you may find of value, learning a new art technique. Embossing Metal: Templates and Beginner Techniques for tooling metal foil pewter is an essential resource. Russian and Greek iconographers employ countless elaborate design styles in metal. Our How to book is a collection of icon templates for those devoted to traditional fine craftsmanship. Beautifully embellished halos have been a Byzantine iconographical legacy and tradition for centuries. Craft and hobby lovers will enjoy this introduction to the art techniques employed in metal embossing. Create your own silver halos.
The first section of the book discusses tools, supplies and technique. Tools and metal foil sheets are all you need to create beautiful designs. Each tool has its own character and purpose to help you press from the back to the front and flatten raised areas that get distorted. As you learn to refine the edges of your patterns, you will add a few more tools to accommodate increased skill. This book gives you a place to begin and inspires you to go further with practice. After describing the tools and supplies, I give you basic techniques, step-by-step, to teach yourself how to create borders and halos to embellish your icons. The process is simple, and only requires investing hours of focused practice. After about ten hours of practice, you will begin to sense and feel the amount of pressure required to make fluid designs and texture. Experimenting will bring the best results and in no time you will be skilled enough to create beautiful work for embellishing your icons.
Get your copy of Embossing Metal at Amazon and or at Lulu.