The Approaching Storm: How Early Church Fathers Interpreted End Time Events by Dr. Robert Franklin as an expert on early church history and the prophecy view taught in the earliest centuries of the Christian faith holds a D.Min. and has theological training from Southwestern Seminary and Dallas Seminary releases this unique compilation of the interpretations of the early church fathers. Revealing doctrine on:
The Rapture, The seven year Tribulation, The events leading up to the Second Coming of Christ, How all Israel will be saved, When will the Battle of Gog and Magog take place, Discusses why End Time theology can be confusing and encourages all to find out where they stand.
What are the signs of the End Times? What does it say in the Bible that predicts the beginning of the End – known as Armageddon? Wars, rumors of wars, floods, tsunamis, earthquakes (7.0 and higher), famine and plagues all on the rise, global weather pattern changes – Are these all indicators or confirmation of End Times? In his new book, Dr. Robert Franklin, D.Min., releases The Approaching Storm: How Early Church Fathers Interpreted End Time Events revealing what the forefathers of early Christianity predicted over 17 centuries ago. Learn from Franklin their interpretations of the strategic End Time events that may affect your life today. These fathers were called the Ante-Nicene in early Theologian circles. They taught of the Second Coming of the Return of Christ; they spoke of the Rapture, the Tribulation and the wrath to come upon the world. Learn from Scripture the correct view of biblical prophecy from this book. Visit author Dr. Robert Franklin at Word Lamp Publications.