Corporate Messiah: The Fundamental Nature of the Universe ~ This is a exciting and futuristic story. Corporate Messiah uses an educational and optimistic approach to hook readers from the very beginning. Filled with captivating science and a thrilling story, this one-of-a-kind novel will appeal to readers from a multitude of different backgrounds. With dramatic storytelling and an insightful message, this exceptional novel is the perfect addition to any reader’s collection.
Using unorthodox science, new concepts, and a lifetime of unique experiences, Angelo Spadoni crafted Corporate Messiah to stand apart from the multitude of novels on the market. Excitingly using unconventional scientific theories to explore a global problem, the story brings a unique approach to the often generalized and oversaturated topic of our planet’s future. With a simple understanding of the Fundamental Nature of the Universe, this excellent novel shows readers everywhere that E does not necessarily equal mc².
Be sure to visit Corporate Messiah for further information.